New TBR Podcast: Trump’s Campaign and Elite-Financed Hate – What Does the Law Say?

New TBR Podcast: Trump’s Campaign and Elite-Financed Hate – What Does the Law Say?

Dr Matthew Raphael Johnson investigates the terrorist campaign designed to intimidate Trump supporters and prevent them from attending his rallies. These enemies of free speech are breaking all sorts of laws with their behaviour, but because they are funded by big business and corporate interests they appear to be avoiding prosecution. There have been so…

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The Social Philosophy of Russian Orthodox Nationalism: Ivan Alexandrovich Ilyin

The Social Philosophy of Russian Orthodox Nationalism: Ivan Alexandrovich Ilyin

TBR’s Dr Matthew Raphael Johnson presents a podcast on Russian nationalist and royalist philosopher Ivan Alexandrovich Ilyin, refuting the Council on Foreign Relations defamation of him in their article “Putin’s Philosopher Ivan Ilyin and the Ideology of Moscow’s Rule”, while exploring some of his ideas about the relationship between the nation and the state. The…

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“They Don’t Want to Hide Their Deceit Anymore” — Louis Farrakhan Endorses Trump

“They Don’t Want to Hide Their Deceit Anymore” — Louis Farrakhan Endorses Trump

In a powerful speech, Louis Farrakhan endorses Donald Trump with some forms of praise that deserve to be taken very seriously. Farrakhan is an experienced activist and speaker. His words are chosen very carefully. While he correctly states that Islamic anti-Americanism is at its height. Therefore, “the hatred for America” should be a clear reason…

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Democrat “Sit In” a Stage Play

Democrat “Sit In” a Stage Play

June 23 2016 — This is a choreographed stage play. All the players have their roles and colored hats. Its a farce. [youtube] As this post is written, Paul Ryan, the embattled Speaker of the House, is calling the Senate police to clear the room of the Democrats who have staged a “sit in.”…

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AFPs John Friend on Nationalist Radio

AFPs John Friend on Nationalist Radio

Matt Heimbach and John Friend have a conversation about race in the 2016 election cycle. In California, the local Republican Party has thrown itself behind “Lyin’ Ted Cruz” as a way to stop the rise of Donald Trump. At the rally there were protesters, some pro-Trump and others anti-Cruz but the event was overall low…

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TBR on the Daily Traditionalist

TBR on the Daily Traditionalist

TBR was again a guest on Matt Heimbach’s Daily Traditionalist podcast series. His guest was TBR’s Senior Researcher, Matthew Raphael Johnson from The Orthodox Nationalist. They begin their discussion by going over how we need to begin forming a subcultural identity for the nationalist movement. We have a variety of divided factions and as the late, great…

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Thoughts on the “Pulse” Massacre

Thoughts on the “Pulse” Massacre

Nothing about the shootings in Orlando on June 12 make sense. As is normal for these kinds of massacres, the media immediately — and often without question — impose a mythos on events. They tell us the meaning, purpose, agenda and appropriate reaction to these. Shootings and killings like this create a population constantly in…

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Mass Man, Mass Politics, and the Capitalist Order

Mass Man, Mass Politics, and the Capitalist Order

Matthew Raphael Johnson (2004) That the modern ethno-nationalist and anti-globalist resistance movement has a profound class character is difficult to deny. It has this character in a radically different manner than the far left in the media and the universities would have one believe. The extreme left’s overrepresentation in these institutions has provided a purposely…

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