The Barnes Review, March/April 2007



Table of Contents


By Deirdre Fields. It may not be well known in America, but for South Africans the Battle of Blood River, between the Zulus and the Boers was a watershed event. In a scene seemingly stolen straight from America’s Wild West, Boer pioneers circled their covered wagons and, with the help of every man, woman and child in the wagon train, fired their muskets at wave after wave of attacking natives bent on murder. Somehow, the Boers won the day. After counting the dead and tending to the wounded, they swore to remember the anniversary of the battle forever and mark it as a holy day…

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The Barnes Review, March-April 2007The Barnes Review, March/April 2007: The Battle of Blood River


Table of Contents


By Deirdre Fields. It may not be well known in America, but for South Africans the Battle of Blood River, between the Zulus and the Boers was a watershed event. In a scene seemingly stolen straight from America’s Wild West, Boer pioneers circled their covered wagons and, with the help of every man, woman and child in the wagon train, fired their muskets at wave after wave of attacking natives bent on murder. Somehow, the Boers won the day. After counting the dead and tending to the wounded, they swore to remember the anniversary of the battle forever and mark it as a holy day…


By Dr. Claus Nordbruch. Once it was a first-world country. Now it is third world at best, with soaring crime rates and “brain drain.” Is democracy to blame for the fall of South African civilization? In this article South African scholar and author of many books, Dr. Claus Nordbruch takes us inside the real South Africa and tells us the candid, uncensored truth about the predicament white Africans find themselves in today. Is there any hope?…


By Arthur Kemp. South African whites must have known what would happen if they turned their country over to the tribal communists. Why did these descendants of the veterans of Blood River, and their English-speaking co-racialists, so easily give up their hard-won homeland? This enigma is examined by Rhodesian-born scholar Arthur Kemp, well known to TBR readers as the author of March of the Titans…


By Dr. Harrell Rhome. Guerrilla armies, armed and equipped as they are today, are almost impossible to defeat. For example, in Iraq, Fourth Generation warriors are stymying the most technologically advanced army in the world with garage door openers, cell phones and improvised explosives. And let us not forget Israel’s recent drubbing in Lebanon. Dr. Harrell Rhome, who presented this lecture at TBR’s Labor Day conference, explains why if there are bets to be placed on a victor in Iraq, the smart money is on the “insurgents.”…


By Michael Collins Piper. The Barnes Review is pleased to announce the completion of another publishing project. In conjunction with author and activist Mark Glenn of Idaho, an American of Lebanese descent fluent in four languages, TBR has come out with a new edition of No Beauty in the Beast: Israel Without Her Mascara. This book, which has sold more than 1,000 copies just on the Internet, exposes the Israeli apartheid system and the methodical genocide of the Palestinians. The author believes that the battle that Christianity—and Islam—are waging today against the “new Sanhedrin,” is the same battle at its core that Jesus Christ fought some 2,000 years ago…


By Matthias Chang. War criminals should be brought to justice, no matter if they are on the losing side or the winning side, whether they are Zionist or anti-Zionist. Why should Israel be exempt from the laws that govern the rest of humanity? Or George W. Bush for that matter? And what of the millions upon millions of innocent civilians killed in World War II on all sides? Should not the perpetrators be tried, even if in absentia? And when it comes down to it, who has killed the most innocent civilians in the past decade. Listen to what author anti-Zionist author Matthias Chang has to say in this lecture delivered at the recent Iran Conference on the Events of WWII…


By Dr. Fredrick Töben. We have all heard ad nauseam about the horrible conditions to be found in Hitler’s work camps for Jews, Communists and others. A closer look inside the camp, however, tells a stunningly different story. Can you imagine a “death factory” with swimming pools, brothels, bands and orchestras? And far from the complex of mass extermination it has been portrayed as, Auschwitz was a massive factory city whose sole purpose was to manufacture synthetic rubber, medical supplies and armaments for the German war effort. In fact, from what we see here in this piece assembled by scholar Dr. Fredrick Töben, Auschwitz was a pretty good place to spend the war…


By Günter Deckert. What actually goes on at the kangaroo trial of an honest, scientific historian? Do defendants who question aspects of the holocaust—even with meticulously compiled scientific data—stand a chance against the nightmarish courts of “1984” Germany? Here is a rare peek inside the workings of one such show trial presented in the words of Guenter Deckert, an eyewitness to the trial and a man repeatedly harassed and imprisoned by the German thought police himself…


By Ali Aliabadi. Strangely enough, it was not an almond-eyed, raven-haired Mongoloid individual who invented Zen Buddhism in China or the refinement of martial arts to the Orient, but a remarkably Nordic-looking white man who originally hailed from southern India. Bodhidharma, as he was called, was of royal stock but gave up his inheritance to enlighten the world. Here is the story of the blue-eyed, red-haired Barbarian Buddha who altered Asian history…


By John Tiffany. Lost civilizations are constantly being found but finding one that was wiped out by Mother Nature 12,000 years ago is not so easy. According to TBR Assistant Editor John Tiffany, in this review of a book by accomplished pre-historian Frank Joseph, however, there is more than enough linguistic evidence to suggest the ancient civilization of Lemuria existed…

8.5″×11″, saddle stitched, 64 pp., b/w illustrations