End Times Warfare (PDF)




End Times Warfare: The Eschatological Beliefs of the Great Religions (PDF)

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The latest book from Hervé Ryssen!

Eschatology is the study of “End Times” doctrines. All three of the great monotheistic religions, i.e., Judaism, Christianity and Islam, contain a belief that the world as we know it was created by God, and that this same world must sooner or later come to an end. This theme of the end times and the coming of the Messiah are also found in Judaism—the “Mother Religion”—as well as Islam, which also draws its inspiration from the Old Testament. And yet, these three religions are completely incompatible with each other. Why? For the pure and simple reason that their vision of the future diverges on this fundamental point: At the end of time, one—and only one—religion is to triumph. In the end, the religion whose goals are the clearest and whose faith the most ardent will bear away the victory. Which will it be?

Softcover, 189 pages, #855

Table of Contents:

Chapter 1. Jewish Messianism
Chapter 2. Christian Eschatology
The Modernist Interpretation
Chapter 3. The Cyclical Concept of History
Nordic Mythology
Chapter 4. Islamic Eschatology
Chapter 5. The Great Project of Judaism
Peace on Earth
The “Open Society”
Chapter 6. Christians Rendered Defenseless
The Failure of Christian Universalism
Allowing the Enemy to Triumph
The Evangelical Christians
Christian Anti-Racism
Chapter 7. Men Who Go Around in a Circle
Decadence as a Natural Phenomenon
The Hatred of the Church
A Frenzied Philo-Semitism
Defeat in the Mind
Chapter 8. Doom & Gloom
Intellectual Terrorism
The Terrorized Extreme-Right
The Liberation of Speech
Anti-Judaic Considerations
Victory as Religion