The Jewish Question Notes and Documents


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By Henri Delassus (1911)

JR Books Online continues its series of translated French books on the Jewish issue with a contribution from Henri Delassus (1836–1921), a high-ranking Roman Catholic priest, doctor of theology, prothonotary apostolic (official of the Holy See), honorary canon of the diocese of Cambrai, and last but not least, an anti-Jewish and anti-Masonic author. In 1910, Delassus published a seminal three-volume study entitled La Conjuration antichrétienne (Anti-Christian Conspiracy), in which he shed light on the conspiracy between the Jews and the Freemasons with the purpose of destroying European Christendom. For 2,000 years, argues the author, the Jews have been pursuing the conquest of the entire world. He explains: “To rule the nations, one needs to destroy the institutions that constitute the social order, particularly the Christian one. Hence the 1789 principles, hence the human rights, hence liberalism, whose virus is being inoculated by Freemasonry into every society. These poisons are undermining and killing every single institution: Religion, Family, Motherland, Property, Army. Nothing can resist them.” What follows is the translation of a work published in 1911 as La Question Juive: Notes et Documents. It mainly consists of selected parts from Anti-Christian Conspiracy that deal specifically with Jews. Revealing in some places and prophetic in others, this book should be read by anyone willing to learn about the mistakes of the past so as to avoid repeating them in the future. ——— Softcover, 146 pages, #1037.