
By Lochlainn Seabrook. Gen. Nathan Bedford Forrest was a brave and ingenious Confederate officer who won all but one of the battles he led; a philanthropist who gave generously to family, friends and charities; and a humanitarian who not only spared the lives of numerous Yankees on the battlefield, but who freed his slaves years before Lincoln issued his fake Emancipation Proclamation.
Additionally, Forrest crusaded to bring new African immigrants into the South—with full civil rights. No one would know any of this by reading the typical works on Forrest. In fact, according to most authors, Forrest was a violent redneck, a racist, a barbaric slave trader, a philandering husband, an illiterate hillbilly, the founder and grand wizard of the KKK and “the butcher of Fort Pillow.” None of this is true.
In A Rebel Born: A Defense of Nathan Bedford Forrest—winner of the prestigious Jefferson Davis Historical Gold Medal—Lochlainn Seabrook reveals the truth about one of history’s most fascinating, charismatic, complex and romantic individuals. In this positive appraisal of Forrest, the author corrects the many falsehoods about him and, using well-researched documentation, shows that the modern negative image of the general derives solely from slanderous myths created 150 years ago by Lincoln’s anti-South propaganda machine.
The longest book ever written on Forrest contains 2,000 footnotes, hundreds of rare pictures, a list of Forrest’s military engagements, an 800-book bibliography, a detailed index and more!
Softcover, 822 pages