March of the Titans Volume II, Part 2— Switzerland to Russia


Volume II, Part 2, of the Prometheus Edition of March of the Titans: The Complete History of the White Race continues the complete country-by-country racial history of European nation-states (started in Volume II, Part 1) from their earliest times up to the present day.

The main themes of this volume are the racial, social, and political consequences of two major nonwhite invasions of Europe: the Mongol invasion of Eastern Europe, and the Ottoman Turk invasion of southeastern Europe.

The Mongol invasion created the Khanate of the Golden Horde in the region now known as Ukraine and southern Russia. This racially alien state waged almost constant warfare on the formative European peoples to the north, resulting in a centuries-long conflict that stifled the political, economic, and social development of all of Russia. This, in turn, ultimately created the social conditions that led directly to the Bolshevist Revolution and its dreadful consequences.

The nearly 1,000-year-long invasion and war by the mixed-race Ottoman Islamic empire created havoc in the Balkans, racially, socially, and politically. It resulted in the complete Islamification of three separate nations in the region, the creation of a significant mixed-racial element, and extensive political instability, which ultimately led to the outbreak of the First World War.

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Volume II, Part 2, of the Prometheus Edition of March of the Titans: The Complete History of the White Race continues the complete country-by-country racial history of European nation-states (started in Volume II, Part 1) from their earliest times up to the present day.

The main themes of this volume are the racial, social, and political consequences of two major nonwhite invasions of Europe: the Mongol invasion of Eastern Europe, and the Ottoman Turk invasion of southeastern Europe.

The Mongol invasion created the Khanate of the Golden Horde in the region now known as Ukraine and southern Russia. This racially alien state waged almost constant warfare on the formative European peoples to the north, resulting in a centuries-long conflict that stifled the political, economic, and social development of all of Russia. This, in turn, ultimately created the social conditions that led directly to the Bolshevist Revolution and its dreadful consequences.

The nearly 1,000-year-long invasion and war by the mixed-race Ottoman Islamic empire created havoc in the Balkans, racially, socially, and politically. It resulted in the complete Islamification of three separate nations in the region, the creation of a significant mixed-racial element, and extensive political instability, which ultimately led to the outbreak of the First World War.

The Ottoman’s destructive march into the heart of Europe was only finally stopped in 1683 at the gates of Vienna by a European force made up of several nations—one of the few times in European history that white peoples had actually unified in the face of a common threat to their existence.

This volume then provides a country-by-country racial history of Switzerland, Post-Roman Italy, Poland, Czechia, Slovakia, Austria, Hungary, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Albania, Romania, Moldova, Bulgaria, Post-Classical Greece, Malta, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Belarus, Ukraine, and Russia.

Each nation has its own distinct chapter which shows how its population was shaped by its individual racial history. To underline this narrative, each country chapter ends with a fully referenced DNA survey of that nation.

In addition, this volume contains six expanded and separate chapters on Russia, broken up into the five distinct historical periods of that nation and its expansion into the Far East and Central Asia. The true cause of the Soviet Union’s breakup—the inability of a multiracial state to have long-term sustainability—is also revealed, along with the fact that the present-day Russian Federation is headed inexorably down that same path.

Finally, this volume provides a complete overview of the course and impact of the Crusades—a European reaction to the Muslim invasions of the Middle East and North Africa, and a chapter dealing with the historical quirks that created the four microstates of Europe (Andorra, Liechtenstein, San Marino, and the Vatican).

Most importantly, revealed in this work is the one true cause of the rise and fall of the world’s greatest empires—that all civilizations rise and fall according to their racial homogeneity and nothing else–a nation can survive wars, defeats, natural catastrophes, but not racial dissolution.

The Prometheus Edition of March of the Titans has been completely rewritten, expanded, and updated.

This expanded text is being released in full-color and black-and-white editions.

634 dramatic illustrations and maps, 510 pages. 8.5” x 11”


Chapter 1: Ethnic Confederation—Switzerland

Chapter 2: Risorgimento—Post-Roman Italy

Chapter 3: The Fourth Great Race War—The Crusades 1095 to 129

Chapter 4: The Fifth Great Race War—Genghis Kahn and the Mongol Invasion

Chapter 5: The Sixth Great Race War—The Ottoman Invasion of Europe

Chapter 6: Solidarność and Struggle—Poland

Chapter 7: Oppression and Renaissance—Czechia

Chapter 8: Slovenská Duša—Slovakia

Chapter 9: Marchia Orientalis—Austria

Chapter 10: The Thousand Year Crown—Hungary

Chapter 11: The Ten-Day War—Slovenia

Chapter 12: Identity and Resistance—Croatia

Chapter 13: Islamified Europe I—Bosnia and Herzegovina

Chapter 14: Principality to Republic—Serbia

Chapter 15: Islamified Europe II—Kosovo

Chapter 16: Black Mountain Resistance—Montenegro

Chapter 17: Cultural Crossroad—North Macedonia

Chapter 18: Islamified Europe III—Albania

Chapter 19: Dacia Traiana—Romania

Chapter 20: Bessarabia—The Republic of Moldova

Chapter 21: Thrace and Bulgars—Bulgaria

Chapter 22: Invasion Crossroads—Post-Classical Greece

Chapter 23: Island Fortress—Malta

Chapter 24: Historical Quirks—The European Microstates

Chapter 25: “Land of Worthy Heroes”—Lithuania

Chapter 26: The “Bear Slayers”—Latvia

Chapter 27: The Singing Revolution—Estonia

Chapter 28: “White Russia”—Belarus

Chapter 29: Slava Ukraini!—Ukraine

Chapter 30: Rossiya I—Early Russia to the First Tsar

Chapter 31: Rossiya II—Imperial Russia

Chapter 32: Rossiya III—Colonization of the East and South

Chapter 33: Rossiya IV—The Bolshevists and Civil War

Chapter 34: Rossiya V—The Union of Soviet  Socialist Republics

Chapter 35: Rossiya VI—The Russian Federation
