Alfred Rosenberg Political Essays


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The National Socialist movement has hitherto been dismissed as an ad hoc racialist movement that had no serious political philosophical foundation. But one has only to read the numerous political writings of the chief ideologue of the movement, Alfred Rosenberg (1893-1946), to discover not only a clear philosophical account of what the regenerative movement of National Socialism sought to achieve in the Third Reich through its doctrine of racial worth and power but also the ideological bases of the foreign political aims of the Reich during WWII. The present collection of essays published by Rosenberg during his career as editor of the Völkischer Beobachter, and as director of ideological indoctrination, will shed light also on the underlying reasons of the anti-Jewish approaches adopted by the Reich in internal German as well as in European politics. Both the National Socialist movement in general and the war that was waged on the continent are properly understood only in the context of the German need to neutralize a perceived enemy that was characterized by a desire to consolidate its international financial power through the corruption and disintegration of European society and culture.

Essays include: Jewish World Politics; Against the Jewish Bank Plague; Self-Unmasking of the Jewish Defense Troops; Observations on Democracy; Thoughts on the Nature of British Politics; Jewish Bolshevism; Stock-Exchange Bolshevism; The Red and Golden International; Stock-Exchange and Bolshevism; National Socialist Efforts in France?; An Anti-Semitic International?; The German Idea; National Socialism; The State of the Teutonic Order; Germany and the League of Nations; United States of Europe?; In the Event of a League of Nations; On Germany’s International Position; The Jewish Question in the World Battle; Europe’s Revolution; Extract from Letzte Aufzeichnungen: ‘National Socialism’; Extract from Letzte Aufzeichnungen: ‘World-views.’ Includes extensive chapter notes and a lengthy bibliography. Softcover, 181 pages, #1010.