DNA and Ancient White Egypt

DNA and Ancient White Egypt

A new analysis of DNA from ancient Egyptian mummies, carried out by scientists from the University of Tuebingen in Germany, has revealed that ancient Egyptians were indeed European—and that the present-day  Egyptian population is a mixed race group with a massive sub-Saharan element. The study, titled “Ancient Egyptian mummy genomes suggest an increase of Sub-Saharan…

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The H.L. Hunley Reveals Its Last Secret

The H.L. Hunley Reveals Its Last Secret

The H.L. Hunley—the world’s first successful attack submarine, in service with the Confederate Navy in 1864—has finally revealed its propulsion secret more than 17 years after being raised off the ocean floor. The Hunley was nearly 40 feet long, was built at Mobile, Alabama, and launched in July 1863. She was then shipped by rail on August…

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Rise and Fall of the Jewish Reich

Rise and Fall of the Jewish Reich

By Mike Walsh. A study of Jewish involvement in worldwide Communist insurrections reveals as much between the lines as in them. Something to ponder is that Jewish participation in Bolshevism is something Jews make no secret of. In fact, since the beginning of the 20th century Jewish media boasted of the vital part Jews played…

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New Orleans Starts Removing Confederate Monuments

New Orleans Starts Removing Confederate Monuments

In a dramatic lesson of the power of demographics determining destiny, the first of four Confederate monuments in New Orleans—the Liberty Monument, which paid tribute to vigilantes who sought to overthrow the city’s Reconstruction era government—was removed last week in the middle of the night. In the coming weeks, three statues honoring Generals Robert E.…

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Is Income Tax a Federal Fraud?

Is Income Tax a Federal Fraud?

By John Tiffany. Report on Internal Revenue Service: Is Income Tax a Federal Fraud?—The Continuing Scandal of 1935 to Present. The author argues that the whole so-called income tax system is a gigantic “con”—possibly the greatest swindle of the 20th and 21st centuries. Your income tax grows out of your Social Security registration, which was…

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Christian Identity and the Jews

Christian Identity and the Jews

By Pastor Eli James. I am writing to comment on the article by John Tiffany, entitled “Was Judaism an Invention of the Persian Empire?” As a Bible historian, I must say that this article is riddled with historical inaccuracies and speculative dead-ends. This style of writing has been in vogue among white nationalists and biblical…

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