Holocaust revisionists are attacked daily. They are imprisoned and beaten for their refutation of the Holocaust fable. No revisionists are part of academic history departments anywhere. More disturbing than this was that an entire pro-Stalin revisionist movement was fashionable in European and American academia for a long time.
Celebrated with promotions and grant money, this movement, led by Shelia Fitzpatrick at the University of Sydney, denied all of Stalin’s crimes of violence and that there was ever a “Holocaust” in Ukraine. Needless to say, Ukrainian refugees and immigrants did not call for this “revisionism” to be banned in Australia or Europe. They didn’t even know about her.

In her “New Perspectives on Stalinism,” (The Russian Review, vol. 45, 1986) she argued that Stalin was not a despot and the USSR was not authoritarian. She also argued that the USSR was not “totalitarian.” Money from the major foundations was thrown at her. No right wing groups attacked her and she could not have been more mainstream.
In her Everyday Stalinism: Ordinary Life in Extraordinary Times: Soviet Russia in the 1930s. (Oxford University Press, 1999), she accepted Soviet propaganda as fact. Now that her views have been totally discredited through the opening of the KGB’s files, her reputation has not suffered in the least. Few know that this movement even existed. While the media kept her work from the public, she was important and influential in academia.
So I guess “revisionism” is only bad where the Jews are concerned. This proves that the only issue with Holocaust revisionism is Jewish supremacy. It also shows that “peer review” in this field is non-existent. It shows what a fraud academic history is too.