Bias in Academia and the Cases of Nat Turner & John Brown

By Ray Goodwin. Too many professors indoctrinate their students with establishment and anti-truth ideology. Institutions of higher learning should not teach students what to think but how to think. Students are not paying for the subjective opinions of uninformed professors. Students cannot get a good education if professors are only telling half the story.


All Americans need to defend the right of students to get an education and not just be force-fed prepackaged doctrines. For example, students are told Nat Turner was the black Spartacus, veritably another Patrick Henry. How should students really regard this historical figure? What about the “other side of the story”? Or how about John Brown—was he a martyred saint, or a murdering psychopath? The following article is a transcription of the speech given by Prof. Ray Goodwin of Victoria, Texas at the 2006 TBR Labor Day conference in Washington, D.C.

Bias, of course, is a predisposition or prejudice and is inherent in every one of us because we are human. Our biases are predicated on many factors, including age, religion, sex, upbringing etc. These things will color perceptions; yet it is possible to strive to minimize bias. [Read the entire article as PDF…]

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The Barnes Review, July/August 2007: Bias in Academia and the Cases of N Turner & J Brown