Peter Rushton on Vincent Reynouard & Colonialism

On this edition of TBR History Hour, we’re joined by Peter Rushton, the Assistant Editor of Heritage and Destiny magazine based in England. Heritage and Destiny features a wide range of opinion and perspectives from 21st century racial nationalists and also focuses on historical Revisionism. Peter joins me to discuss the latest developments with French Revisionist Vincent Reynouard’s extradition case and the tyrannical assault on freedom of speech and thought in the West.

We also discuss Peter’s book review of English historian Nigel Biggar’s book Colonialism: A Moral Reckoning and offer a Revisionist approach to the history of colonialism and European exploration and administration of foreign lands.

Follow Heritage and Destiny on Twitter/X here and also check out Peter’s website Real History – The True European Tradition.


Subscribe to The Barnes Review today if you are not already and support one of the last remaining print Revisionist magazines in existence! Also be sure to check out the incredible booksvideos, and back issues of the magazine for sale as well.

Posted in: History Hour, TBR Radio