By Carlos Porter
Approximately 10,000 “War Crimes Trials” have been held since 1945. Trials of Japanese military personnel ended in 1949, yet “war crimes trials” of Germans and Eastern Europeans continue to date.
Almost invariably, the charge is “violation of the laws and customs of war,” derived, in turn, from international conventions signed at the Hague in 1899 and 1907.
That these trials have little or no basis in law is clear from the wording of the treaties which are said to have been violated.
The illegalities of “war crimes” proceedings include the admissibility of oral and written hearsay; the introduction of the concept of “conspiracy” into international law (unknown prior to 1945); the total lack of any pre-trial inquest or forensic evidence; and trial before a court itself composed of actual “war criminals.”
To quote the writings of Telford Taylor:
“The issues surrounding the war crimes trials are numerous and complex; discussion and criticism of what was done should be welcomed by all who hope for a continuing development of international law… but what should have been done instead is a problem generally ignored by those who condemn what was done in fact.”
The alternative is a fair trial before an impartial court under existing procedures and proper rules of evidence.
Softcover, 234 pages, #824
Table of Contents
Anatomy of a Nuremberg Liar
National Archive Head Fakes Captions to National Holocaust Poster Exhibit
The Myth of “Kadavergehorsam” (“Corpse-Like Obedience”)
The Amistad – Another “Chief Seattle” Hoax?
“Anti-Semitism” in the Encyclopaedia Britannica
War Crimes Trials
Answer to Yale F. Edeiken
The Meaning of “War Crime” and “War Criminal” in Pre-1945 International Law
More on the Illegality of Resistance Movements and Guerrilla Warfare
The Injustice of the Admissibility of Hearsay in War Crimes Trials
The Myth of the Illegality of Concentration Camps
Jazz in the Concentration Camps
The Injustice of Conspiracy Accusations in War Crimes Trials
The Injustice of Affidavits in Foreign Languages
The Myth of “Voluntary Confessions”
The Riddle of Atrocity Allegations Involving Prisoners
The Tokyo War Crimes Trial
“Japs Ate My Gall Bladder”
The Myth of Japanese Atrocities at Nanking
The Myth of Japanese Atrocities Against POWS at Mukden
The Myth of the Gas Chamber at Dachau
The Myth of Shrunken Heads and Objects of Human Skin
Japan was Provoked into a War of Self-Defense
Ernst Sauckel’s “Exploitation” Speech
The Myth of “A Thousand Years Will Pass”