The Bunkers of Auschwitz: Black Propaganda versus History


By Carlo Mattogno. The so-called “Bunkers” at Auschwitz-Birkenau are claimed to have been the first homicidal gas chambers at Auschwitz specifically erected for this purpose, in early 1942.

In this examination of a critical component of the Auschwitz extermination legend, the indefatigable Carlo Mattogno has combed tens of thousands of documents from the Auschwitz construction office—to conclude that these “Bunkers” never existed.

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By Carlo Mattogno. The so-called “Bunkers” at Auschwitz-Birkenau are claimed to have been the first homicidal gas chambers at Auschwitz specifically erected for this purpose, in early 1942. In this examination of a critical component of the Auschwitz extermination legend, the indefatigable Carlo Mattogno has combed tens of thousands of documents from the Auschwitz construction office—to conclude that these “bunkers” never existed.

The Bunkers of Auschwitz shows how camp rumors of these alleged gas chambers evolved into black propaganda created by resistance groups within the camp, and how this black propaganda was subsequently transformed into “reality” by historians.

In a concluding section that analyzes such hands-on evidence as wartime aerial photography and archeological diggings, Mattogno bolsters his case that the Auschwitz “bunkers” were—and remain—nothing more than propaganda bunk.

Click here to look at this book’s Table of Contents and its first chapter.

Holocaust Handbooks, Volume 11, 266 pp ., 6″x9″, pb, ill., bibl., index