The Barnes Review September/October 2018 (PDF)




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Who is Kim Jong Un—the supreme leader of North Korea—and is he the murderous psychopath we are told by the Western media? If so, why do his people adore him?


This group of Indians was within eyesight of the Canadian border and freedom. But their dream was not to be: The U.S. governmnt would not allow a single one of them to escape.


Was Bolshevism a Jewish phenomenon? Zionists vehemently deny it. But a close look at the rulers of the regime supports the idea that Red Russia was a “Jewish Reich.”


What events forged Adolf Hitler? Were his experiences in the holocaust of World War I the defining moments of this man’s life?


At the end of WWII, it was alleged at the Einsatzgruppen Trial that German troops holocausted millions on the Eastern Front. Many were convicted—but on what evidence?


It was one of the worst mass murders in human history—40,000 innocent Jews killed and thrown into the Babi Yar ravine. But why do Revisionists claim it never happened?


Why did the Allies insist on incinerating hundreds of thousands of Japanese civilians in 67 cities across Nippon? Were they burnt offerings sacrificed on Uncle Sam’s altar?


After making some completely truthful comments at an outdoor gathering to commemorate Germans burnt alive in Dresden, Lady Michele Renouf was arrested. Why?


After the czarists realized their battle to regain Russia from the Bolsheviks was a lost cause, the Cossack armies rushed to make their escape before being holocausted.


War is a terrible thing—a tragedy to be avoided at all costs. We know this, yet again and again man is set at his brother’s throat. Who profits—and who gets holocausted?


At the end of the Civil War, the civilians of the South were subjected to a “barbarian conquest”—holocausted by Northern generals.


After WWII ended, an orgy of revenge began against the German people, the likes of which had not been seen before or since.


Considered a fantasy of conspiracy theorists, we now know that thousands of people had lives ruined by a CIA program.


Is it a conspiracy—the cultural holocaust of white Europe? Here is a pictorial “travel guide” you might want to consult before traveling to Paris—or Europe in general.

The Rise, Fall & Revival of the House of Kim

Why the people of North Korea see Kim Jong Un as the legitimate, hereditary supreme leader of their nation

In respnose to President Donald Trump’s historic summit with North Korea’s Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un, TBR commissioned our resident “Civil War” writer to look past the news media spin and give our readers a more realistic understanding of the 65-plus year ongoing civil war in Korea. His interest in North-South conflicts not being limited solely to the “War Between the States,” Dr. Edward DeVries eagerly accepted the challenge, reaching out to Dr. Andrei Nikolaevich Lankov, a Leningrad-born scholar of Asia with a specialization in Korean studies. Dr. Lankov is both a graduate of the Soviet Union’s Leningrad State University and Pyongyang’s Kim Il Sung University, where he was a student in residence. Lankov currently lives in South Korea and works as a writer for North Korea News, The Korea Times and Al Jazeera.

By Dr. Edward DeVries

For the entirety of this author’s life, the corporate media and the history books have told a pretty simple story—U.S.A. is good. North Korea is evil. With the invention of the Internet we are now able to read the North Korean version of the story. It is, to say the least, an interesting tale. It’s an almost-fairy tale of a Marxist paradise blessed to be governed by a “divine eternal president” who governs posthumously via some spiritual connection through his grandson, who, by the way, looks just like him.

TBR readers know that the truth almost always lies somewhere in between the layers of propaganda offered from any two conflicting sides. Here is my newly gained understanding of the true history of the modern North and South Korean nations, their people, and of the civil war that has torn a once-unified nation and the peninsula on which it sits apart for the last 65 years.


Korea is a country and culture with an over-5,000-year-long history—a history that all but ended in 1910 when the peninsular nation was annexed by Japan. Actually, Korea lost its sovereignty in 1905, when, under Japanese military occupation, Emperor Gwang mu (also known as Gojong), signed the Japan-Korea Treaty. This treaty officially made Korea Japan’s “protectorate.” A governor from Japan was sent to conduct Korea’s foreign affairs.

Unlike in China and Japan, Christianity had taken hold in Korea in the 17th century. By the late 19th century, many Koreans were Christians, especially in the northern border provinces. Believing that their rule would only be sustainable if Koreans were fully assimilated into Japanese customs and culture, the Japanese-controlled police made systematic efforts to minimize the influence of missionaries and to eliminate the Christian churches. Included in this was an emphasis on Showa, the institutionalized reverence of Japanese Emperor Hirohito.

The Japanese prohibited the use of the Korean language in government, schools and businesses, and even at home. But the persecution of Christianity and the forcing of the Korean people to embrace Japanese religion and culture had the opposite effect. Christianity grew in Korea during the Japanese occupation. The distinctly Korean nature of the church drew people to it and was reinforced during those years by the allegiance to the Korean nation that was demonstrated by many Christians. Christianity was linked even more with the patriotic cause when Christians refused to participate in worship of the Japanese emperor and attend Shinto religious ceremonies as required by law. Although their refusal was motivated by theological rather than political conviction, the consequent imprisonment of many Christians strongly identified their faith, in the eyes of Koreans, with the cause of Korean nationalism and resistance to the Japanese occupation.

Kim Hyong Jik, the great-grandfather of North Korea’s current leader Kim Jong Un, was a leader in this emerging movement of Christian nationalism. With that understanding, we look back to the signing the 1905 treaty. Immediately afterward, Emperor Gwangmu sent secret envoys to 17 major powers including the United Kingdom, France and Germany, claiming that he had signed the treaty under extreme duress. The world collectively ignored the envoys and Japan responded by forcing Emperor Gwang-mu to abdicate his throne in 1907. His son, Emperor Yunghui (also known as Soonjong) would briefly become the last emperor of Korea.

In 1910, Emperor Yunghui signed over what little remained of his empire to Japan, ending the 518-year dynasty headed by his family. For doing so, Emperor Yunghui was demoted to a king, subordinate to the Japanese emperor. Thus, Korea’s royal family became Japanese nobility. The policy of Japan toward Korea’s royal family was that they would all be assimilated or killed. The first to be killed was Emperor Gwangmu. He was poisoned in 1919.

Emperor Yunghui did not last much longer. He died in 1926 at the age of just 53— some allege under mysterious circumstances. The only son of Gwangmu to survive the purge was Yi Gang (also known as King Euichin). Gwangmu’s second son, Yi Gang studied in Roanoke College in Virginia and was an officer of the Korean Imperial Army when his older brother signed over the empire. Yi Gan silently assisted Korea’s independence movement, raising funds to support Korean independence fighters and schools. Later, when he attempted to establish a provisional government in Shanghai, he was arrested. As a result, he lost his nobility status. But he escaped and for years evaded Japan’s surveillance. He would live to see Korea freed from Japan. He died in 1955 at the age of 79.

Born in 1931, the last official crown prince of the Korean royal family was Yi Gu. He spent the first 23 years of his life in Japan, where he worked as a clerk for a company in Tokyo after World War II. In 1953, he moved to the United States to study at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. There, he met his wife, a white American woman named Julia Murlock. Yi Gu married Murlock in 1959 in New York, where he worked for the architectural company of I.M. Pei. He was allowed to return to Korea in 1963, and lectured as a professor of architecture in the university. But he could not adjust to life in Korea. He was also despised because he had married a white American woman who could not bear children. He separated from his wife in 1977 and emigrated to Japan in 1979. He died in 2005.


Going back into antiquity, the House of Joseon ruled a singular Korea from 1392 to 1910. It was preceded by the House of Goryeo (Koryo), which ruled from 918 to 1392. From 668 until 926, Korea was ruled by the House of Dae. While the House of Goryeo had solidified its governance by 926, remnants of the Dae dynasty would continue to pop up and make claims through the 11th century. For 1,000 years before the House of Dae unified the nation’s rulership under one house, the nation was governed by three ruling houses which took the throne at various points of its history. At many times, from 42 B.C. to A.D. 935, their rules overlap. These were the houses of Kim, Park and Seok. The wealth and sophistication of these royal houses and of the nation they governed was certainly known beyond its borders. Its capital was Gyeongju in the southeast region of Gyeongsang.

With the defeat of the Japanese empire in WWII, the Korean people were able to reclaim their independence. Kim Il Sung—the grandfather of North Korea’s current Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un, who governed from 1945 until 1994—is a descendant of the House of Kim. He was born with the name, Kim Song Ju, in Mangyongdae, Pyongyang on April 15, 1912, the same day the Titanic sank beneath the icy waters of the North Atlantic. Believing there is no such thing as chance, Kim Il Sung believed the sinking of the Titanic was an omen of imperialism’s doom. He devoted his life to freeing his native land from Japanese rule and claimed the day and time of his birth were divine assurances that the universe would converge the necessary events in favor of his effort.

Born on a day of great tragedy, Kim Il Sung would both free his people and restore his family’s royal dynasty. As stated previously, Kim Il Sung’s parents, Kim Hyong Jik and Kang Pan Sok, were Christians. His father was being monitored by the Japanese police for his leadership in an anti-Japanese Korean nationalist group. It is believed by many that Kim Hyong Jik was one of the religious and educational leaders who participated in what has come to be known as the “March 1 Movement.” On that day, in 1919, an assembly of religious and professional leaders passed a declaration of independence. The Japanese imprisoned many in the movement, and Kim Hyong Jik’s involvement would force the family to flee to Manchuria in 1920. At the age of 14, while a student at Whasung Military Academy, Kim Il Sung would join with other Korean students in exile to establish the Down with Imperialism Union. Three years later, his father would die.

Kim Il Sung believed that his father’s “Christian nationalism” died with him and that this movement was a deadend political movement for Korea. Concluding that the Christian nationalist approach of his father had failed to free Korea, or even to prevent Japanese encroachment on China, Kim, at age 17, became interested in Marxism. Well past his father’s bedtime stories of old Korea, Kim’s new inspiration came from stories of Vladimir Lenin and the October Revolution. The Soviet/Bolshevik philosophy, Kim thought, would save Korea just as it had Russia. (As TBR readers know, under communist rule, Christian Russia did develop into one of the most powerful atheistic nations in world history. But, along with that military success came massive suffering, with an estimated 60 million Christians perishing from 1914 to 1981 when the USSR finally fell.)

Two years later, in 1931, Kim became a member of the anti-imperialist Chinese Communist Party (CCP). He took this step just a few months before Japan occupied Manchuria, following the Mukden Incident, in which Japanese officers fabricated a pretext for annexing Manchuria by setting off some dynamite near a section of railway. Six years later, Japan claimed that one of its soldiers was kidnapped (the Marco Polo Bridge Incident) and invaded China. In 1935, the 23-year-old Kim joined a guerrilla faction run by the Chinese communists, called the Northeast Anti- Japanese United Army. His superior officer, Wei Zhengmin, had contacts high in the CCP, and took Kim under his wing. That same year, Kim changed his name to Kim Il Sung, meaning “Kim Become the Sun.”

A year later, the young Kim was in command of a division of several hundred men that came to be known as Kim Il Sung’s Division. His division briefly captured the small Korean town of Poch’onbo on the Korean/Chinese border from the Japanese. This little victory made him very popular among the Korean guerrillas and their Chinese sponsors. As Japan strengthened its hold over Manchuria and pushed across China proper, it drove Kim and his army across the Amur River into Siberia. The Soviets welcomed the Koreans, retraining them and forming them into a division of the Red Army. Kim Il Sung was promoted to the rank of major, and fought for the Soviet Red Army for the rest of WWII.

When Japan surrendered to the Allies, the Soviets marched into Pyongyang on August 15, 1945, and occupied the northern half of the Korean peninsula. The Soviets and the Americans agreed to divide Korea along the 38th parallel of latitude. On August 22, the Soviets appointed Kim as head of the Provisional People’s Committee. Kim immediately established the Korean People’s Army (KPA), made up of war veterans. With Stalin’s encouragement, he began to consolidate power in Soviet-occupied northern Korea. Claiming his right to govern as a descendant of the House of Kim, Kim Il Sung was quickly received by the Korean people who were happy to finally be free from Japanese rule and see a descendant of a former royal house assume power.

On September 9, 1945, he announced the creation of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, declaring himself as premier. The Soviets recognized Kim as premier of the entire Korean peninsula, and Kim Il Sung began to build his personality cult and develop his military, with massive amounts of Soviet-built weaponry. THE KOREAN CIVIL WAR War-torn, Korea needed to be rebuilt. Kim put into effect a number of “democratic reforms,” including the nationalization of key industrial establishments, universal healthcare and the enforcement of the law on gender equality. These actions made him even more popular, as they provided the people some temporary hope from the devastation of war.

But the United States had different ideas about what to do with the Korean peninsula. Japan was by then under complete American control. And while the Americans were happy to give the Koreans their independence from Japan, they wanted to dictate the terms, and they wanted to set up a puppet government of their own choosing. While the Soviets backed Kim’s claim to the nation’s leadership, the Americans declared Syngman Rhee to be the legitimate leader of Korea. Both Rhee and Kim Il Sung wanted to unite the Korean peninsula under their respective governments. Both were willing to submit to national elections. But the United States and the Soviet Union had agreed to maintain the division at the 38th parallel. In 1948 the separate governments of North Korea and South Korea, with their respective U.S. and Soviet backers, were officially constituted.

In June 1950, believing that it was his right to unify the entire Korean peninsula, Kim was finally able to convince Josef Stalin and China’s Mao Zedong that he could reunify Korea under a communist flag. With their blessing and support, he marched his army into the south to establish his government below the 38th Parallel. The Americans responded by moving the U.S. Army from occupied Japan to the Korean peninsula and, as they say, the rest is history. The Korean Police Action (which was in all reality a war) was put on hold when North and South signed a ceasefire in 1953. But, 65 years later, the conflict is still ongoing.


Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter is reported by state-owned media sources in North Korea to have said that, “President Kim Il Sung—the “Eternal President”—was greater than the three American presidents who had represented the nation-building and destiny of the United States: George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and Abraham Lincoln put together. The source for this quote is questionable. Regardless, and even if Kim Il Sung was a benevolent dictator, he was still a dictator. Still, to the honest student of history it should appear that Kim was a sincere man who gave his life for the cause of his people and for the country that he was eventually privileged to govern. Our intention in writing this is not to glorify Kim, be it Il Sung, Jung Il, or Jong Un, but rather, as Harry Elmer Barnes used to say, “to bring history into accord with the facts”—at least so far as to explain that the House of Kim’s rise to power in the 1940s was not an accident. Nor did it lack legitimacy. It was supported by the people, if for no other reason than the House of Kim had governed Korea intermittently from as far back as 42 B.C.

That’s 2,060 years—a thread connecting ancient to modern Korea. Today’s Kim government, led by Kim Jong Un, may possibly have the worst human rights record of any nation on the planet. At least that is what the established media outlets and propaganda mills of our day would insist that we believe. I am not validating those claims, nor am I challenging them. Assuming the claims are true, if the nations of the world are standing by ready to liberate the North Korean people from their “oppression,” why do the people still stand behind their leader? And by what authority does the portly, cigarette puffing Kim Jong Un insist that he is their supreme leader? Perhaps the young European-educated Kim has researched his family tree and, having done so, believes that he is the proper descendant of a noble house that has governed his land since before the birth of Christ. As much as our media and certain members of our country’s diplomatic establishment wish to portray the Kims as silly, or even laughable, they are not “funny little men.” For the last four generations, the Kims have known exactly what they were doing. Were it otherwise, not only would Korea still be under foreign domination, the Kims themselves would not still be in power given that the opposition to their rule is coming from a number of nations much more powerful than their own.


Like his father, current North Korean leader Kim Jong Un has maintained his house despite ever-increasing opposition from the powers of the West. But for how much longer can he do so? If Pyongyang’s five modern amusement parks and newly constructed 105-story luxury hotel are any indication, it seems that the young Kim, unlike his father, truly wishes to improve the lives of his subjects. North Korea, under his leadership, has been frantically building. Kim Jong Un could rebuild the economically oppressed nation to what might be its greatest heights. That is if he can negotiate the necessary deals with the West. But will the West allow him to do so? Will both sides keep their word if these agreements are made?

My advice to Kim, assuming he is reading THE BARNES REVIEW, would be to look past the communism of his grandfather, and instead to seek inspiration from the Christian nationalism of his great-grandfather. It was the Bible, not the Communist Manifesto, that built the great civilizations of the East and the West. And it was the Bible that gave hope to Kim’s ancestors. John 8:36 from his great grandfather’s Bible still rings true today: “If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.”

A pastor and traveling speaker, DR. EDWARD DEVRIES is the editor of the Dixie Heritage Newsletter and a contributing editor to TBR. He is the author of 30 books including the two-volume Glory in Grey. Some of his other titles include Sacred Honor, The Truth About the Confederate Battle Flag, Prayer is Simple, Every Member a Minister and Coaching Youth Baseball the Right Way. He is also the host of THE BARNES REVIEW RADIO’S “Dixie Heritage Hour.” Please check it out at