The Hoax of Soviet Anti-Semitism


Writings from Winston Churchill, Leon Trotsky, Esther Frumkin, and the Soviet Anti-Zionist Committee of Soviet Public Opinion. Introduced, arranged and annotated by Frank L. Britton. A fully-documented and referenced exposé of the Zionist lie that the Soviet Union was “anti-Semitic.” It conclusively proves that in fact the USSR was pro-Jewish, but increasingly anti-Zionist.

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The Hoax of Soviet Anti-Semitism: Jews, Zionism, Communism, Israel & the Soviet Union 1918–1991

Writings from Winston Churchill, Leon Trotsky, Esther Frumkin, and the Soviet Anti-Zionist Committee of Soviet Public Opinion. Introduced, arranged and annotated by Frank L. Britton.

A fully-documented and referenced exposé of the Zionist lie that the Soviet Union was “anti-Semitic.” It conclusively proves that in fact the USSR was pro-Jewish, but increasingly anti-Zionist.

Starting with an overview of the historical background of the Jewish nature of Communism (drawing upon the British government’s 1919 “White Paper on Bolshevism” and the shockingly honest May 1907 edition of National Geographic), the book discusses the conflicts in Jewish Communist circles, and of the eventual break between the socialist Zionists and the Jewish Communists.

It contains quotes from Winston Churchill (who accurately predicted the split between Zionist Jews and Communist Jews in 1920); Leon Trotsky (the Jewish brain be- hind the October Revolution who supported the Jewish colonization of Palestine); and Esther Frumkin (a leading light in the Jewish Bund and the official Jewish-Yiddish section of the Communist Party of the USSR).

The book also shows how the Soviets first attempted to deal with the constant Jewish demands for a homeland by creating the Soviet Autonomous Oblast of Birobidzhan.

However, Israel’s racism, ultra-nationalism and aggression reopened the old split between Zionist and Communist Jews. By the late 1980s, relations between Israel and the USSR had broken down, and the Zionist-dominated media launched its “anti-Semi- tism in Russia” campaign.

This clash came to a head in 1983, when a large number of leading Communist Jews in the Soviet Union created the “Anti-Zionist Committee of Soviet Public Opinion” (AZCSPO). This organization was set up to counter the “anti-Semitism claims.”

This work contains the full text of all three AZCSPO reports distributed in the West. They show that: Communist Jews within the USSR held the highest public offices; that Jewish culture thrived in the USSR; that the USSR supported Israel; that it was only the violent aspect of Zionism that the USSR opposed; and that the Soviet Union was fully aware that a Zionist-Jewish lobby controlled the U.S. government and the media.

Fully illustrated (including all the original photographs contained in the AZCSPO booklets) and indexed.

Softcover, 128 pages