

By Tom Woods. Popular author Thomas E. Woods Jr. provides an eloquent defense of the politically divisive subject of nullification, a remedy used by states against unconstitutional federal power grabs.

Tom Woods’ latest book—Nullification: How to Resist Federal Tyranny in the 21st Century—is another example of the author doing what he does best—dissecting political and economic failure by striking at the root of the problem and offering common sense and Constitution-based solutions.

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NullificationNullification: How to Resist Federal Tyranny in the 21st Century

By Tom Woods. Popular author Thomas E. Woods Jr. provides an eloquent defense of the politically divisive subject of nullification, a remedy used by states against unconstitutional federal power grabs.

Tom Woods’ latest book—Nullification: How to Resist Federal Tyranny in the 21st Century—is another example of the author doing what he does best—dissecting political and economic failure by striking at the root of the problem and offering common sense and Constitution-based solutions. Ironically, the solutions Woods offers are unconventional and controversial say the same professional “talking heads” who got us into every mess the author addresses.

Here Woods provides a “how-to guide” for Americans fed up with out-of-control D.C. politicians.

Woods asks, “How can we expect a federal government no longer restrained by the Constitution to be contained by that document any time in the future?” Answer: By containing it ourselves!

Hardcover, 306 pages