The Israel Problem

The Israel Problem

By Issa Nakleh. In the weeks and months preceding the September 11, 2001, attacks on Manhattan and the Pentagon, a global upsurge of anti-Zionist feelings culminated in the dramatic UN Conference on Racism and Colonialism in Durban, South Africa. Thousands of delegates witnessed massive street demonstrations by hordes of people, mostly Third Worlders.

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Britain’s Balfour Declaration of 1917

Britain’s Balfour Declaration of 1917

By Robert John. Eighty years ago, the British government—through international bankers—brokered away the land and the future of the people of Palestine in order to create a national home for the Jewish people. The president and Congress of the United States underwrote the World War I deal, which would cost Britain mightily and which continues to cost American taxpayers well over $4 billion dollars each year. But in terms of what it will cost in the future, in terms of both U.S. treasure and blood, is incalculable.

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