Mein Kampf: The Stalag Edition


By Adolf Hitler. The only complete & officially authorized English translation! This is the only complete, unabridged and officially authorized English translation of Mein Kampf ever issued by the Nazi party, and is not to be confused with any other version. Translated by a now-unknown English-speaking Nazi Party member, it was printed by the Franz Eher Verlag in Berlin for the Central Press of the NSDAP in limited numbers during the years 1937 to 1944.

Most copies were distributed to the camp libraries of English-speaking prisoner of war camps, and became known as the “Stalag” edition (Stalag being a contraction of the German word Stammlager or “POW camp”) because they all carried a camp library rubber stamp on the title page.

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Mein Kampf: The Stalag EditionMein Kampf: The Stalag Edition

By Adolf Hitler. The only complete & officially authorized English translation! This is the only complete, unabridged and officially authorized English translation of Mein Kampf ever issued by the Nazi party, and is not to be confused with any other version. Translated by a now-unknown English-speaking Nazi Party member, it was printed by the Franz Eher Verlag in Berlin for the Central Press of the NSDAP in limited numbers during the years 1937 to 1944.

Most copies were distributed to the camp libraries of English-speaking prisoner of war camps, and became known as the “Stalag” edition (Stalag being a contraction of the German word Stammlager or “POW camp”) because they all carried a camp library rubber stamp on the title page. Only a handful of copies survived the war, and the text contained in this edition has been taken directly, without amendment, from one of these extremely rare editions.

This official translation is not to be confused with the “James Murphy” or “Ralph Mannheim” translations, both of which were edited and abridged and are unauthorized. The Murphy and Mannheim editions both left out major sections of text, and contained long, clunky, badly translated and almost unintelligibly long sentences.

In sharp contrast, the only authorized “Stalag” edition contains none of these complicated and unnecessarily confused constructions, and is extremely easy to read, as anyone familiar with the other versions will immediately notice. Most importantly, this only authorized edition contains the full text of the original German—and none of the deliberately-inserted racial pejoratives used in the Murphy and Mannheim versions (words that Hitler never used in the original).

MK-Stalag-inside-stampThis edition also includes a reproduction of the original title page of a copy of the only official English translation of Mein Kampf ever issued, complete with a Stalag camp number 357 stamp. Stalag 357 was located in Kopernikus, Poland, until September 1944, when it was moved to the old site of the former Stalag XI-D, near the town of Fallingbostel in Lower Saxony, in northwestern Germany. Its internees included British air crews and, later, British soldiers captured at the Battle of Arnhem.

About the translator: The name of the translator was never released by the Eher Verlag, and has now been permanently lost to history. An English-speaking party member, his use of British English spelling throughout would indicate that his language instruction either took place in Britain or that his instructors were British, rather than American.

Contrary to postwar propaganda, Mein Kampf does not contain a “plan for world domination” and instead consists of a short autobiography, the effect of World War I on Germany, a discussion of race and the “Jewish Question,” the constitutional and social make-up of a future German state and the early struggles of the NSDAP up to 1923.

One NEW volume combines the original two volumes of Mein Kampf without editing!

Volume 1: A Reckoning

Chapter I: My Home

Chapter II: Learning & Suffering in Vienna

Chapter III: Vienna Days

Chapter IV: Munich

Chapter V: The World War

Chapter VI: War Propaganda

Chapter VII: The Revolution

Chapter VIII: Beginning My Political Activities

Chapter IX: The German Labor Party

Chapter X: Collapse of the Second Reich

Chapter XI: Nation and Race

Chapter XII: The First Period of Development of the National Socialist German Labor Party

Volume 2: National Socialist Movement

Chapter I: Weltanschauung and Party

Chapter II: The State

Chapter III: Citizens and Subjects of the State

Chapter IV: The Ideal of the Völkisch State

Chapter V: Weltanschauung and Organization

Chapter VI: The First Phase of Our Struggle

Chapter VII: The Struggle with the Reds

Chapter VIII: Strong Are Stronger without Allies

Chapter IX: Organization of the Storm Troop

Chapter X: The Mask of Federalism

Chapter XI: Propaganda and Organization

Chapter XII: The Problem of the Trade Unions

Chapter XIII: The German Policy of Alliances

Chapter XIV: Eastern Bias or Eastern Policy

Chapter XV: The Right to Self-Defense

Epilogue: Author’s 1926 Statement on the Party

Softcover, 584 pages, 6″ × 9″