Hate is a one-way street at Amazon, and the class of people protected from it are the self-Chosen. Hatred toward goyim is not grounds for a ban, obviously.
None of the volumes on the list below are hateful. They may be right; they may be wrong. But your right to read them should not be obstructed by the world’s largest online book distributor.
These revisionist books are attempts at offering scientific, technical and historical skepticism toward the Holy Writ that is supposed to be the secular history of World War II; that Writ however, is far more sacred than Jesus Christ. His resurrection can be denied; Bezos is fine with that. The homicidal gas chambers of Auschwitz cannot be denied.
Calvary has been replaced by Auschwitz as the locus of cosmic evil. What do so-called “Christians” have to say about the derogation of their Savior in favor of the supremacy of Talmudic ideology? The silence is deafening.
Thomas Jefferson swore on the altar of God eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man. Amazon is imposing just such a tyranny. Many of these books were sold on Amazon dot com for ten years or more and the world did not come to an end. But the World Jewish Congress and other thought cops have ordered their removal, and Amazon has submitted to the requirements of religious fanatics and nationalist zealots.
P.S. We checked and Fahrenheit 451 is not on the banned list. But that doesn’t mean that Mr. Bezos will not remove it next week or thereafter, on whatever whim strikes his fancy.